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What is Unsecured Debt in Bankruptcy Law?

 Posted on September 06, 2023 in Bankruptcy

Dallas, TX bankrtupcy attorneyBankruptcy is a legal process that provides individuals and businesses with a fresh start by eliminating and restructuring their debts. When navigating bankruptcy, it is essential to understand the distinction between secured and unsecured debt. If you are involved in bankruptcy proceedings in Texas, contact a lawyer to ensure your rights are protected as you move through the bankruptcy process in Texas.

Definition of Unsecured Debt

Unsecured debt refers to any debt that is not supported by collateral or a specific asset. Unlike secured debt, which is tied to a specific property (such as a mortgage or car loan), unsecured debt is not directly linked to any particular asset. Examples of common unsecured debts include credit card debt, medical bills, personal loans, and certain types of student loans

Treatment of Unsecured Debt in Bankruptcy

In bankruptcy proceedings, unsecured debt is typically treated differently from secured debt. When a debtor files for bankruptcy, the court will prioritize the repayment of secured debts over unsecured debts. This is because secured debts have collateral that can be repossessed or sold to satisfy debt. On the other hand, unsecured debt does not have such collateral, making it a lower priority in the repayment hierarchy.

Types of Unsecured Debt

Unsecured debt can be further categorized into priority and non-priority unsecured debt. Priority unsecured debt is given a higher status in bankruptcy proceedings and is entitled to be paid before non-priority unsecured debt. Examples of priority unsecured debt include certain tax debts, child support, and alimony obligations. Non-priority unsecured debt includes credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. 

Discharge of Unsecured Debt

One of the primary benefits of filing for bankruptcy is the potential discharge of unsecured debt. Discharge means that the debtor is released from the legal obligation to repay the debt. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation bankruptcy, can result in the discharge of most unsecured debt, allowing individuals to achieve a fresh financial start. In contrast, Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves a repayment plan that may result in partial or complete discharge of unsecured debt. 

Contact a Fort Worth Bankruptcy Attorney

Unsecured debt plays a significant role in bankruptcy law, and understanding its nature and treatment is crucial when considering bankruptcy as a debt relief option. Unsecured debt lacks collateral and is generally repaid after secured debt in bankruptcy proceedings. Contact the skilled Parker County lawyers with Acker Warren P.C. for legal assistance in bankruptcy proceedings. Call 817-752-9033 for a free consultation.

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