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Fall 2024 Scholarship Winner

Dante Anderson

Dante’s essay is an in-depth assessment of the many benefits and drawbacks of starting fresh. Dante understands that while drawbacks do exist, the benefits of starting fresh outweigh any negatives. We wish Dante the best and trust that this award will help minimize the financial burden of pursuing his degree.

Dante Anderson

Read Dante’s Essay:

Obtaining a college education is often seen as a significant step towards personal and professional growth. For many, it represents an opportunity to start fresh, redefine oneself, and pursue new avenues of knowledge and career paths. This essay will explore how obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Global Education with a minor in Criminal Justice can help start fresh, the benefits of this fresh start, and some potential drawbacks. Additionally, it will delve into my personal desire to teach and how this degree aligns with my aspirations.

Starting fresh through a college education involves several transformative processes. Firstly, it provides a structured environment for learning and personal development. This structure is essential for building new skills, gaining knowledge, and acquiring the qualifications necessary for a successful career. For example, a Bachelor of Science in Global Education equips students with a comprehensive understanding of educational theories, practices, and policies on an international scale. This knowledge is invaluable for those looking to enter the field of education, especially in roles that require a global perspective.

Secondly, a college education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills are not only applicable to academic pursuits but are also crucial in everyday life and professional settings. By engaging with complex subjects, such as criminal justice, students learn to analyze situations, develop reasoned arguments, and make informed decisions. This analytical capability is particularly beneficial for aspiring educators who must navigate diverse classroom environments and address various student needs.

Lastly, college is a place for personal growth and self-discovery. It offers a unique environment where students can explore different interests, meet people from diverse backgrounds, and participate in activities that broaden their horizons. This exposure is instrumental in shaping one’s identity and aspirations. For someone with a passion for teaching, interacting with peers and mentors in an educational setting can provide valuable insights and inspiration.

Benefits of Starting Fresh:

  1. Career Opportunities: A college degree opens up a myriad of career opportunities that may not be accessible otherwise. With a degree in Global Education, one can pursue roles such as international school teacher, educational consultant, or policy advisor. The addition of a minor in Criminal Justice further broadens the scope, making it possible to engage in interdisciplinary roles that address educational issues within the criminal justice system.
  2. Personal Fulfillment: Achieving a college degree is a significant personal accomplishment. It signifies dedication, hard work, and perseverance. This sense of achievement can boost self-confidence and motivation, encouraging individuals to pursue their goals with renewed vigor.
  3. Networking: College provides a platform to build a professional network. These connections can be invaluable when seeking job opportunities, mentorship, or collaboration on projects. For aspiring teachers, networking with professors, fellow students, and educational professionals can lead to opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable.
  4. Enhanced Knowledge and Skills: College education enhances both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Courses in global education and criminal justice provide a well-rounded understanding of these fields, preparing graduates to tackle complex challenges in their careers. This combination of knowledge and skills is particularly beneficial for those who wish to make a meaningful impact in education.

Drawbacks of Starting Fresh:

  1. Financial Burden: One of the most significant drawbacks of pursuing a college education is the financial cost. Tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses can add up, leading to substantial debt. This financial strain can be a deterrent for many and may require careful planning and management.
  2. Time Commitment: Earning a degree requires a significant time investment. Balancing coursework, exams, and possibly part-time work can be challenging. This time commitment can be particularly taxing for individuals who have other responsibilities, such as family or work.
  3. Uncertainty and Pressure: Starting fresh in a new educational environment can bring about uncertainty and pressure. Adapting to new academic demands, making new friends, and finding one’s place in a new community can be daunting. This pressure can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety.
  4. Potential for Over-qualification: In some cases, having a degree can lead to being overqualified for certain jobs. This situation can be frustrating, especially if job opportunities in one’s field of study are limited. Graduates may need to be flexible and open to various career paths.

My passion for teaching drives my pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Global Education with a minor in Criminal Justice. I believe that education is a powerful tool for change, and I aspire to be an educator who inspires and empowers students. The global perspective gained from this degree will enable me to understand and address educational challenges on an international scale, while the criminal justice minor will provide insights into the intersection of education and social justice.

I envision myself working in diverse educational settings, from international schools to community programs that support at-risk youth. By combining my knowledge of global education with an understanding of criminal justice issues, I hope to contribute to creating inclusive and equitable learning environments.

Starting fresh with a college education, particularly with a degree in Global Education and a minor in Criminal Justice, offers numerous benefits, from enhanced career opportunities to personal fulfillment. However, it also comes with challenges such as financial burdens and time commitments. Despite these drawbacks, the opportunity to pursue my passion for teaching and make a positive impact in the field of education makes this journey worthwhile. The knowledge, skills, and experiences gained through this degree will not only help me start fresh but also pave the way for a rewarding and impactful career in education.

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